iPad instruction is one of the best parts of my job, Be good to yourself and do not get stuck in an elevator with me and bring up 1:1. Be wise and don't join a Tech Advisory committee with me - I go a lot crazy when we go there.
This week, getting back into the building, I have been reminded just how much EXTRA work goes into iPad instruction. Especially that August prep groundwork so your teachers can jump and go.
Our Third grade teacher took on 1:1 instruction mid year last year and I was IMPRESSED with her flexibility and the learning that happened in that class. This week she did it again for sure.
Anyone who works with more than three iPads in a class knows how unwieldy, and space consuming iPad storage is. Not to mention expensive.
My teacher pulled out one of the cardboard mailboxes that every building has piled up and put it to use! Holes were drilled in each compartment (through the back) and the wires were strung to the charging units.
Teachers are amazing. I saw another Teacher this afternoon walking down the hall with an old mailbox and I hope she is doing the same thing. This unit puts the iPads at kids' height, it puts the charging and maintenance responsibility literally at their level.
This did not cost a dime. This Teacher already had the strip cords. Last year she stored the iPads using dishracks which is not a bad idea but I LOVE the reimaged mailbox!!!!