Obviously, the driving force of this blog is: How Does Media Fit into STEM Education? This is our first year as a STEM school - with the massive amount of change and progress we have made as a staff, this question mattered to me alone for the first part of this year.
Before I moved to the library I was the Tech Facilitator for our school. My heart is in the library but I brought so much Tech from the lab down the hall that our library has been a different place since I moved in. Moving to a STEM curriculum and supporting that has been a challenging and fun fit for me.
That said, I feel like Chicken Little running around my building squawking "We need more tech! We are falling behind, there is no reason for this! Pick up those heels! Girl, PLEASE!"
As a staff we are creating the Master Schedule for next year and I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to be on the edge of change in our school. Currently kids come to the library for a total for 60 minutes a week, with check and "media lessons" in that time.
Holla! Next year it looks like kids will retain check out time and the rest of my time will transition to Tech Integration. I will be able to be in the classrooms, lab and offices driving and supporting tech. (And yes, I do realize people reading this know what Tech Integration means).
I will continue to ask my big question but now I feel like I have more tools to take Media where it should be in our school and engage our modern readers.
Next week at the Leadership Meeting I am presenting a Tech Timeline to our Committee....I get to convince our Staff to jump on the Tech Train in 4 minutes or less, no problem! I came across this fantastic Tech Matrix that will illustrate where we are as a staff and where we should be. I hope to be in solid Infusion territory by August with our staff following. Not a bad way to end the year!